Rear Windows is an immersive and collaborative project con- ceived on site by the Chinese artist Li Qing as a specific sto- ryboard,re-contextualizing the Prada Rong Zhai house and its history.Between fiction and reality,the exhibition is an odyssey throughout all the different enclaves and spaces of the house,meandering inside and out.While playing with the absence of presence in an empty house,Li Qing activates a mysterious and vibrant new dynamism to the story and con- nects with our contemporary existence within the Shanghai of today—a territory filled with urban myths,legends and expectations.
Born in Huzhou in 1981,Li Qing belongs to the latest generation of Chinese artists.Following the explosion of creativity in the late 1970s and early 1980s,and the successive movements taking a revolutionary stance in opposition to official art,this“third generation”did not proclaim a break- away from the previous one,even though they no longer had anything in common.There was simply a transition from one reality to another,from the China of isolation to the China of globalization.In this new context,Li Qing appears like one of the most interesting artists of this generation fully immersed in the world of consumption and its frenzied rhythms.His practice,thatincludespaintings,installations,soundpieces,videos and photographs,focuses on mass consumerism and society’s hypocritical stances on beauty ideals through various methods.His works explore with a wide range of media the issues faced by humanity in social development and the feeling of anxiety extensively spreading in the time the artist lives in.
In Li Qing’s work,the past is used as an open treasure chest to be explored,and history becomes a set of motifs.In this sense,its presence within Rong Zhai house echoes to a wider history of societal changes in the Chinese society during the past centuries and especially in the past decades.Indeed,the history of Prada Rong Zhai is a palimpsest of Shanghai’s century-old history.In the last decades,the historical 1918 residence has been the private house of a national capitalist,a public property after socialization,before being restored to become a place dedicated to art.Such a place still carries the marks of the layers of different social conditions over time andthespiritsofthedifferentpeopleandthingsithashosted.
That was the perfect place for Li Qing to conceive a journey through the explorations of the contradictions of our con- temporary world and how far its continuous mutation within the Chinese society can go.Thus,Rear Windows—inspired by the eponymous movie—deals with the Hitchcockian concept,looking out to the outside world which is changing,evolving sometimesasawayofexaminingourownlives.Thedisplaysinthe rooms are conceived as climatic scenes to experience the act of seeing and of being seen or observed.Through some of his emblematic series of works like his Neighbor’s Window and Tetris Window series(in which he borrows the trompe l’oeil technique combining old wooden window frames with the artworks of French and other colonial artists or new architecture behind glass,that become the cultural and artistic landmarks of the Chinese urban space now),Li Qing proposes references to the city of Shanghai(or even Hangzhou,where the artist lives)that has developed into an overlapping of different spaces and periods of time,an interlaced layer of old and new buildings and stories of different social groups.
Li Qing has imagined Rong Zhai as a space still used by its residents or their contemporary ghosts.The artist recre- ates some of the key rooms,like the ballroom,the bedroom,the bathroom,and a karaoke room,where the presence of the former occupants is suggested through artistic gestures.This visual play re-occupying the vacant spaces expresses,in a strange and cinematographic atmosphere,the duality of our present lives,divided between authenticity and imitation,reality and reproduction.Within this“personified”context,his Finding Differences paintings—convoking the double image and its reproduction—or even the Neon news series—which points to a new visual language in the city,and the fake news system as a source of knowledge to be called into question—act like invitations to the viewer to question our relationship to the moving world around us.
As a narrative story conceived through a wide range of Li Qing’s past and recent works,the exhibition unfolds as in a movie set of a film whose action is about to come.As though belonging to an imaginary society that lives in its dreams,Li Qing initiates here another form of poetry in the Rong Zhai house but also within his own work,always questioning: how to be closer to the reality of things?
Li Qing: Rear Windows, Fondazione Prada Plan
Images of Mutual Undoing and Unity – Ghosts No.4
Oil on canvas 152 x 134 cm 2019
FAÇADE # Rear Windows Neon Light 2019
FAÇADE # Combining English and Chinese characters,the neon sign of Rear Windows Neon Light(2019)announces the title of the show,as the new banner of a place within the city of Shanghai.These colored fragmented texts design and form the pattern of the city space,theyinteract through the textual and the visual mean and can be combined into a story,readable at night.In Asian metropolises,neon signs are typical of the landscape,a new kind of visual language to“read”thecities,like a contemporary urbanpoetry.Seton the façade of Rong Zhai,this element gives the house a pop impetus into the contemporary times of a global city.
ENTRANCE HALL # This portrait mixes the images of Mr. Rong,the former owner of Rong Zhai house,and his imaginary granddaughter.Li Qing painted these two faces,then rubbed and glued them together so that the two pictures merged with each other.By pressing the two images together,the final work becomes a representation of how memory can blur and,at the same time,hold different meanings under different cir- cumstances.Beyond these blurred portraits,Images of Mutual Undoing and Unity–Ghosts No.4(2019)suggests the history of a family and the notion of filiation through generations.
The photographic portrait of Mr. Yung Tsoong- King used as a starting point for the painting is displayed in room 312,above the fireplace.Rong Zongjing was a Chinese industrialist and national capitalist during the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China.Known asthe“KingofFlour,”he established a flour milling and textile empire with his father and brother in China,employing tens of thousands of workers and bought this house in 1918 as one of his Shanghai homes.Li Qing has decided to reproduce this double portrait through a pink filter—depicting the image as a pop ghosts of 8 themselves.
CORRIDOR # The New Owner Upstairs (2019) is a sound installation specially made for the exhibition,diffusing footsteps sounds in the corridor. In the peculiar atmosphere of Rong Zhai, the sounds create the feeling of a ghostly presence, as if someone was walking upstairs above our head. The viewer doesn’t feel alone in the house, and progressively becomes a character of the story that is unfolding. Here, the artist plays with the duality of presence and absence and how acoustic signs may be the starting point of a wide range of fictions based on how the in for mation is treated, analyzed and spread, according to the context.
Left:Tetris Window · Amber Building
Left:Wood, Metal, Plexiglass, Oil Color, Clothes, Printed Matters, Aluminium-plastic Panel 212 x 106 x 9.5 cm 2019
Right:Tetris Window · Asiatic Society
Right:Wood, Metal, Plexiglass, Oil Color, Markers, Clothes, Printed Matters, Aluminium-plastic Panel 212.5 x 106 x 10 cm 2018-2019
Li Qing: Rear Windows, Fondazione Prada RongZhai, Shanghai
Left:Tetris Window · K11
Left:Wood, Metal, Plexiglass, Oil Color, Markers, Clothes, Printed Matters, Aluminium-plastic Panel 212.5 x 106 x 10 cm 2019
Right:Tetris Window · Private Palaces
Right:Wood, Metal, Plexiglass, Oil Color, Acrylic, Clothes, Printed Matters, Aluminium-plastic Panel 212 x 106 x 9.5 cm 2018
Li Qing: Rear Windows, Fondazione Prada RongZhai, Shanghai
Tetris Window · Exhibition Center
Wood, Metal, Plexiglass, Oil Color, Clothes, Printed Matters, Photos, Aluminium-plastic Panel 212.5 x 106 x 10 cm 2019
Li Qing: Rear Windows, Fondazione Prada RongZhai, Shanghai
Left:Tetris Window · Ampire Foreign Firm
Left:Wood,Metal,Plexiglass, Oil Color, Markers, Clothes, Printed Matters, Aluminium-plastic Panel 212.5 x 106 x 10 cm 2019
Right:Tetris Window · Private Palaces
Right:Wood, Metal, Plexiglass, Oil Color, Acrylic, Clothes, Printed Matters, Aluminium-plastic Panel 212 x 106 x 9.5 cm 2018
Li Qing: Rear Windows, Fondazione Prada RongZhai, Shanghai
Tetris Window· OCT
Wood, Metal, Plexiglass, Oil Color, Markers, Clothes, Printed Matters, Aluminium-plastic Panel 212.5 x 106 x 10 cm 2019
Left:Tetris Window · Asiatic Society
Left:Wood, Metal, Plexiglass, Oil Color, Markers, Clothes, Printed Matters, Aluminium-plastic Panel 212.5 x 106 x 10 cm 2018-2019
Right:Tetris Window · Rongs' Residence
Right:Wood, Metal, Plexiglass, Oil Color, Markers, Clothes, Printed Matters, Aluminium-plastic Panel 212 x 106.5 x 10 cm 2018-2019
Li Qing: Rear Windows, Fondazione Prada RongZhai, Shanghai
Tetris Window· Rongs' Residence
Wood, Metal, Plexiglass, Oil Color, Markers, Clothes, Printed Matters, Aluminium-plastic Panel 212 x 106.5 x 10 cm 2018-2019
Tetris Window· K11
Wood, Metal, Plexiglass, Oil Color, Markers, Clothes, Printed Matters, Aluminium-plastic Panel 212.5 x 106 x 10 cm 2019
The Tetris Window(2018–2019)seriescom- bines paintings made with real windows depict- ing a virtual view and expresses a stronger sense of reality and drama than ordinary landscape paintings.The falseness of the painting as well as the illusion of neighbor windows looking toward each other maintain the psychological and cultural distance between the viewer and the view outside of the window.Moreover,Li Qing created a discontinuity in the appearance of the scenery by painting the samel and scape at different times.The architecture depicted in the Tetris Window series comes mainly from Shanghai and belongs to different periods,from.
Neon News 2019
5 LED screens. black vinyls Variable dimensions,2019
Taking on neon sign boards glowing at night, Neon News Videos (2019) presents three fictional stories about successful people who have fallen out of the public eye. In metrop- olises where Chinese language is used—such as Shanghai, Hong Kong or Taipei—, the presence at night of glowing neon Chinese characters is a distinctive view. The work draws on the impressive number of characters and the variety of fonts used, revealing the way their formsappear.The experience of reading those signs differs from that of reading on a screen, cellphone or laptop which are today’swindows: nowadays, people are surrounded by screens and mainly connect with the world through them.Thus,if the city is fur the rtreate dasa screen, each neon may then be considered a singleword.The media environment of Chinese people is complex, one dominated by both official and folk discourse systems. Neon News Videos leads us to imagine that the words we see when wandering around the city at night can be combined into a story, while at the same time becoming a finding and reading process. Here are the stories:
1. A real estate tycoon has been caught having an affair with his female assistant. He agrees to divorcefromhisformerwife,dividinghismany possessions, including a huge art collection.
2. A young poet, who once made a living on shrimp stalls, has been working diligently for 30yearsandhiscateringchainbrandhasbeen recently listed. He donated nearly 10,000 books to his Alma mater, including his collection of entrepreneurial diaries.
3. A famous TV actor married a 16-year-old beauty model. Retreated into the mountains, he turned into an authentic farmer and raised chickens for a living, and he recently appeared in a television program to talk about his new life.
Blow-Up·Hong Kong Morning
Oil Color, Plexiglass, Wood,Metal,fabric, Magazine Pages, Photos, Aluminum Composite Panel 150.5 x 205 x 10 cm, 2016
In Blow-Up·Hong Kong Morning (2016), Li Qing brings together physical window frames creating a fictional interaction between the viewer and the scenery.
Nexttoit,acomposition ofsmallpaintings,photographs,postcardsand references of both Asian and Western cultures are hung up like on a wall, covered with wallpaper. Combining meanings and recreating the atmo- sphere of a contemporary Chinese domestic and personal places, these fragmentary impressions become creative materials.
Writer’s Wall
Magazines and newspaper cuts, postcards, maps, prints, oil-absorbing sheets, bills, grease from human faces Variable dimensions 2019
Writer’s Wall
Magazines and newspaper cuts, postcards, maps, prints, oil-absorbing sheets, bills, grease from human faces Variable dimensions 2019
Popular Novel
Various editions of Lolita novel by Nabokov Variable dimensions 2016 – 2019
Various versions of Lolita are displayed on one side of room 202A. Lolita is Vladimir Nabokov’s (1899 – 1977) most popular work written in exile, which has been translated and published in different countries and critically acclaimed on an international level. Li Qing is interested in the peculiar context in which Nabokov wrote the novel, since his writings transcend his native country and adopt a purely individualized and aesthetic style. Li Qing focused on the worldwide diffusion of the book and the cultural production in different regions of the world which relies on the local social and cultural conditions in a spe- cific period of time. The artist collected different versions of Lolita from different places—mostly from China—with different images of teenage girls on each cover that show various interests and interpretations of Lolita’s character. As the artist stated, Popular Novel (2016 –2019) is like a “small anthropological sample.”
On the opposite wall, photographs, postcards, maps and prints collected during the fictional journey of the writer seem to be the gains of traveling writers exploring human nature, a geographic information contrasting with Lolita’s versions.
Agramophoneplaysaheadypieceofmusicfrom the 1950s, projecting the scene in another time, like the recollection of a childhood memory. Writer’s Wall (2019) is a writer’s journey, a wall composition of small photos taken from clippings from international magazines and newspapers, postcards, maps, prints, oil-absorbing sheets, bills, grease from human faces. Assembled in the form of collage, the portraits of people from all over the world are covered by some oil-absorbing paper made transparent by human skin, thus becoming a medium to show other people’s images through human physiological substances.
Things You Can Take Away
Nine carpets printed with pictures of floor tiles pattern Variable dimensions 2019
Hangzhou House Series
Photographs, stickers, windows, television screen Variable dimensions 2017-2019
Things You Can Take Away
Nine carpets printed with pictures of floor tiles pattern Variable dimensions 2019
Hangzhou House Series
Photographs, stickers, windows, television screen Variable dimensions 2017-2019
Hangzhou House Series (2019) is based on a photographic collection of residential buildings in the suburbs of Hangzhou, one of the richest cities in China. In the past two decades, suburban residents of Hangzhou have mainly built their independenthousesdesigningthemaccording to their own ideas of luxury and modern life and drawing inspiration from international buildings and residences. These buildings are thus usually built in a “mixed” or “hybrid” style. Hangzhou House Series is an invitation to discover these singular houses and to imagine the optimism and passion of their owners. The current process of urban renewal and expansion in Hangzhou leads many suburbs to become the core area of the city. The buildings of this style are becoming scarce nowadays. However, this folk architecture movement has gradually become crucial to the history of architecture of a transition period in China.
Things You Can Take Away (2019) comprises some carpets laid on the ballroom floor which are printed with patterns of floor tiles commonly used in the former old houses that had been demolished during the urban renovation of Hangzhou. The carpets, showing the inside space of these former houses, act as remaining layers and grounds of the past, as well as the process of constant space destruction, renewal and reconstruction in Chinese cities. These images of tiles are the embodiment of the past living experience in a domestic place, their overlapping reminding us of the different times and cultural identities that succeed each other in the urban restoration of the Chinese city, the coexistence and mingling of different notions and ideologies, opening up dialogues between the past and the present.
Images of Mutual Undoing and Unity-ghosts No 1
Photograph, 30 x 26 cm 2019
Left:Spot the Difference · Sales Lady(There are 5 differences in the two paintings)
Left:Oil on Canvas 200 x 150 cm x 2 2019
Right:Spot the Difference · Clothing Store (There are 8 differences in the two paintings)
Right:Oil on Canvas 200 x 150 cm x 2 2010
Li Qing: Rear Windows, Fondazione Prada RongZhai, Shanghai
The Finding Differences series is based on a television entertainment program of the same title, as well as on a popular game often present in children books, with a simple concept: two fairly similar pictures are shown on the screen orbook,andtheaudienceisaskedtospotall the differences in a short time. The series was influenced by René Magritte’s comparison of the relationship between image and language. Under the form of tricks, he treated the images in a witty and ironic way, which guides dual thinking on art and practical experiences. In his series, Li Qing reintroduces an interactive mode and play between the viewer and the painting. In fact, the viewer has to wander between the pictures and to interpret the differences he finds through hisownexperience.LiQingnevergaveasingle picture to look at, but by proposing diptychs, he invites the audience into a process that leads us to be beyond the image. This process depends on the experience and imagination of the audience; thus, each viewer will arrive at different conclusions.
The series Images of Mutual Undoing and Unity shows the audience a process of two forms destroyed and melded with each other, where disintegration and reshaping occur together. The changes and dismantling of the outlines imply that reality is an illusion, like people and eventsappearinginsuccessionthroughhistory. “Perhaps both the stage and the backstage are false.Thepeopledepictedhereareeveryone’s unverifiable self; we have no way of knowing at what time ourselves originated from supposition. Perhaps we completely began with supposition. The toughest part is that the two paintings are lost forever. The resulting forms are but aren’t; they’re muddled, like so many of our worn memories—a form slowly emerging from the depths of memory. The world of the past is always relegated to decline and amorphousness; some things have left us, some things linger. Is that which lingers longer real? The strange thing is, everything is as expected and nothing is as expected.”
Pine Tree on Yellow Mountain
Wallpaper, variable dimensions 2019
KaraokeRoom(2019)isasmallfamily-style karaoke room featuring a video showing popular love songs being performed. Through this entertainment room, the installation imagines Rong Zhai as a space used by residents. The lyrics areplayedsimultaneously,appearinginneon characters through the window thus dislocating the emotional content in different semantics fades in favor of apublic sphere where the words are losing their original meaning.
Pine Tree on Yellow Mountain (2019), a wall- paper covering the walls of the room, delivers the illusion of the interior private space. Its pattern comes from the brocade of Huangshan Welcoming Pine located in the Yellow Mountains. Symbol of Chinese hospitality and unyielding character, it is an image of friendship and perse- verance that often appeared in Chinese culture in the last century.
Surface Science #1,#2,#3,#4
Mixed materials on blackboard, 60 x 80 x 10 cm(each) 2019
Shanghai Bund Wallpaper
Wallpaper Variable dimensions 2019
Surface Science #1, #2, #3, #4 (2019) consist of blackboards on which some ready-made objects are combined with pictures of paintings, sculptures or landscapes of Shanghai. These collages mix several layers of reality and time, intertwining objects related to school,images from the past and references to the present. Despite the layers of concrete references, the blackboard also acts as a window for the codes available to the artist at the moment of its making. The works are displayed in a room covered with dark wallpaper, Shanghai Bund Wallpaper (2019). Its pattern comes from an image of the Shanghai Bund, where the European-style buildings and colonial banks or companies from the 1930s are visible. The Bund used to be the most prosperous port in China and also represents the collision of Chinese and Western cultures. Reproduced in brocade, this image is like frozen as a repetitive background, accen- tuating an ongoing cultural debate concerning tradition and China’s achievement of modernity through “Westernization” into a dialectic of insides and outsides.
Neon News 2016
multi screens video installation demension variable 2016
Neon News 2016
multi screens video installation demension variable 2016
Neighbour's Window· Gold & Dark Magazines
Wood, Metal, Oil on Plexiglass, Paint, Aluminium-plastic Panel 148 x 148 x 8 cm 2016-2019
Magazine Wrapped with Brocade demension variable 2014-2019
Neighbour's Window· Gold & Dark Magazines
Wood, Metal, Oil on Plexiglass, Paint, Aluminium-plastic Panel 148 x 148 x 8 cm 2016-2019
Magazine Wrapped with Brocade demension variable 2014-2019
Dark Magazines
Magazine Wrapped with Brocade demension variable 2014-2020
Neighbor’s Window is an important series in Li Qing’s work. The artist brings together physical window frames and paintings of scenes outside the window, creating a fictional inter- action between the viewer and the scenery.For the scenes outside the window,he chose the Chinese characters for “Emanating Glory,” as well as other neon lights, all taken from Chinese city streets. They are typical impressions of mainland cities such as HongKong or Shanghai. Re-examining these explorations from the perspective of the present, their functions, properties,and meanings have shifted in time; they seem familiar, but they have become less distinct due to the shift in time and space.
Neon News (2019) is a video story written with different neon signage characters shot one by one in China. A city is a place of dreams and anxieties of all kinds, and Shanghai is a great stage for good stories and has hosted many tells stories in the form of short news,inspired by those we receive on our cellphones,often offering tantalizing topics and key information the rhythmic way the story is told, which the artist links to a sense of undercurrent city life. With the neon sign boards, he presents three stories about celebrity gossip:
1. Boba Goddess, who became popular in the 1990s with her striking chest, faded out of the cinema world 16 years ago after falling in love withadentist.Recently,themediaphotographed her out of shape and eating high-calorie food.
2. A folk song queen faded out of the entertain- ment circle and got married to a man from arich family. She really tasted the ups and downs of life. Unfortunately, she and her husband suddenly became civilians from nobility in the financial storm, therefore in order to share the pressure with her husband, she chose to work.
3. The peerless beauty of her generation received bankruptcy orders on Valentine’s Day. Due to mental disorders and after claiming that evil spirits entered her mind, she went to the psychiatric department at the hospital, where doctors worried that she would commit suicide so she underwent medical treatment. Recently, the media found her singing alongside three or four singers in a seafood restaurant in front of a cold and cheerless audience.
Dark Magazines is composed of a series of art magazines such as Flash Art or Artforum wrapped with a piece of brocade, a type of fabric popular in Chinese families in the last century, especially in the 1970s and 1980s. Often used as a gift, the brocade features patterns such as landscapes of all parts of China, whereas the back shows a black and white negative effect suggesting a dark aesthetic feeling and a loss of reality, maybe prompted by the exhibition of contemporary Western art in China as well. Magazines are enclosed in cloth, therefore their content becomes unavailable and loses readabil- ity, while their titles create a new intertextual relationship with the black and white scenery.
Images of Mutual Undoing and Unity · Love
photos, dimension variable & oil on canvas, 90 x 90 cm x 2 2019
Images of Mutual Undoing and Unity · Ghosts
photos, dimension variable, 152 x 134 cm x 2 2019
Images of Mutual Undoing and Unity · Ghosts
photos, dimension variable, 152 x 134 cm x 2 2019
The room presents several series of portrait paint- ings. Those portraits deal with the possibility and pertinence of making portraits today since it has been considered as a traditional and old genre. The view and expression of women in those portraits are shaped by the current cultural industry and economic relations.
For the Images of Mutual Undoing and Unity series, Li Qing collected many facial expressions, intimate and sexual behaviors of actresses of different nationalities and races found in movies from all around the world. Then, he picked out pairs of expressions and images with similar angles separately and associated two canvases that are rubbed and pressed together before the paint isdry.The two resulting images form a pair of blurred and more universal portraits. In China’s movie industry, actresses are often trained so well that they look similar to other actresses. Their performances have also undergone a slow process of modernization, which is in fact the same process as urban modernization. Both groups of works in this exhibition originated from Chinese movies. In Images of Mutual Undoing and Unity · Love 201902 (2019) Li Qing rubbed and bonded two portraits with similar expressions thus merging them into one: women’s image has acquired a kind of stipulation in today’s mass media, while the series trains and shapes today’s watching and cognitive behavior.
8.75 m2
Tent, clothes, lamps 230 x 350 x 250 cm 2019
8.75 m2
Tent, clothes, lamps 230 x 350 x 250 cm 2019
In the garden of Rong Zhai is installed a cabin tent, a symbol of the exploration of the New World. The title of the work 8.75 m2 (2019) reveals the surface of land occupied by the tent on the ground. Inside the tent, a lamp casts shadows of a few fine garments on the walls.By projecting shadows on the façades of the tent, the light creates a sensation of movement, as if someone was living and breathing inside—an enigmatic or surrealist presence, that refers to the idea of intimacy and voyeurism.
Like a canvas stretched on a four-dimension painting,the cabin tent recalls the history of painting, which has been considered as a window open to the world,a surface to project any story. Similar to a magic lantern, the surface of the tent also represents the screen on which movies are projected, thus acting as a metaphorical box where all imaginative stories can be born.
VR Exhibition:
Related press :
Lauren Long. ‘Li Qing :Rear Windows’. ArtAsiaPacific. 2020.1.19
Rachel Morón. ‘Looking through Rear Windows’. TLmagazine. 2019.12.3
Denise Tsui,“Redefining Ourselves in a Time of Rapid Change: Jérôme Sans and 'Rear Windows'”,Cobo Social,2019.11.27
Fiammetta Cesana,“Rear Windows”,Collectible DRY ,2019.11.22
Jose Villarreal,“Prada presents 'Rear Windows', an exhibition by Li Qing at Prada Rong Zhai in Shanghai”,Art Daily,2019.11.8
Lin Pengyuan.‘Rear Windows Exhibition in Rong Zhai , Feeling the Changing Times Outside the Window in the Century-old Residence ’.LIFE STYLE.Art News (Chinese version).Front and inside pages.2019.11.2
Kaka.‘The World Outside the Window’.Ideat – November 2019.NO.105 2019.11.NO.55.pp.56-59
Zhong Hanyang.‘wallpaper (China)’. Ways of seeing. December 2019. pp. 23-36
The copyright of this website belongs to Li Qing studio